Catherine O'Brien Featured on PsychCentral Offering Top Tips on Toddler Discipline

When our babies are small, it can often feel like we’re trying to crack some mysterious code. “Why are you crying? What do you need? What are you trying to tell me?”
Often times, we find ourselves thinking (even if only for a flicker of a moment), “Life will be so much easier when they can get around on their own or tell me what they need!”

….And then, toddlerhood happens and we’re completely eating our words. Toddlers have BIG emotions, don’t they! And very strong opinions! That brings a whole new set of challenges.
On the bright side, this is exactly where they need to be developmentally.
But, it’s up to us to set boundaries for them, so that they can learn what is safe and appropriate. Recently, I was featured in a new PsychCentral article discussing exactly this. The article is full of great tips for all parents of toddlers.
The article is called “How to Discipline Your Young Toddler."
If you have a toddler at home yourself, or even if you’ve already been-there-done-that, you should check it out and share your thoughts in the comments!
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